to Out
author, Nabina Das, whose The House Of
Twining Roses: Stories of the Mapped and the Unmapped is available on the stands.
Nabina’s Out of Print story is entitled Decoded. It’s a story that lingers with
me, it’s a story that ‘tears at the readers’ perceptions as they wander …through a maze’ that intertwines the real and unreal.
We asked Nabina
to send us a short blurb about the book.
The House Of Twining Roses: Stories of the Mapped and the Unmapped

In the
foreword, bestselling writer Ashok Banker says about the book: ‘These are the life events and updates not found on Facebook or
Twitter. These are the unglamorized denizens of places beyond the scope and
cameras of reality television and phony soap operas… In capturing these
exquisite, easy vignettes, Nabina Das has mapped the unmapped beautifully,
endearingly, perfectly.’ Noted translator and author Arunava Sinha said in a blurb on
the cover of the book that ‘The people in these stories will take over your
waking hours.’
Congratulations indeed to Nabina. The book looks really interesting and the title fabulous!