Our author, Renu Balakrishnan recently released Four Aleys. In this post, she chats with members of her book club, who followed the book through its evolution. It makes for a deep and affectionate conversation. Renu's Spider Man appeared in June 2013, and like the novel, is set in a Kerala seen through a sensitive lens.
Renu Kurien Balakrishnan in conversation with her book club
members Anjala Singh, Manju Nanavathy, Shashi Merchant, Vatsala D’Souza, Liz
Your debut novel book Four Aleys has been
remarkably well received both by readers and critics alike. Can you tell us a
little about its unusual title and touch on a few threads of the plot?

The structure of
the book – the circular narrative that loops back and forth – was that planned
or did it evolve along with the story? Was it difficult to sustain?
It wasn’t planned. I wrote scenes and these not in any chronological
order. The first scene at the cemetery was written much later than the scenes
in the middle. Little Aley is recalling her past and the memories appear, as
they will. Memory is never chronological. So writing in scenes worked
perfectly. I strung them together with the expositions at a later stage. And
much later I changed the narrative flow to enhance the connectivity of events.
The loops appeared organically.
What were the
personal and literary influences that helped shape your book?
My family is huge. Around 83 first cousins! I remember the
fun and frolic of growing up in a family where seldom did less than 20 folk sit
down to a meal. These experiences flashed into my mind when I wrote about Big
House in Four Aleys.
I have always read a lot of fiction and so it’s difficult to
isolate which particular authors and works inspired me. As an adult I loved the
works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Haruki Murakami, Zadie Smith, E.M.Forster, and
J.M. Coetze, to mention few splendid authors that come to mind right now.
I loved the idea of taking real characters
from your family and giving them the life you felt they should have had -
letting them live vicariously through your story! What was the reaction of your
family to the book?
I haven’t based any of the characters on family members. I
did use names and situations but I created all the characters in the book. My
family doesn’t believe me and are reading and re reading the book and lively
WhatsApp conversations are going on guessing who is who. But I had a favourite
aunt called Kunjupenkochama and I made her into Little Aley’s lovable, loving,
sensitive, capable, efficient, strong great aunt. She would have been all of
these if she had been given a chance.
How has Little Aley developed such a strong sense of social justice at such an early age? Is that you - your sensitivity and awareness as a child?
Most children do not discriminate and nor
pay attention to social hierarchies. Their affection and respect is won
independent of these. But a child does observe that some people are treated
differently. Who can sit at the dining table for instance? Why are domestics
made to sit on the floorboard of a car and not the seats? Why are some visitors
made to use the rear entrance of the home? A child will accept these norms as
the way the world works. Or, as in my case, as a child, question and then be
disturbed by the answers. Little Aley is sensitive and ever curious about the
two sides of the social divide. When she’s annoyed with Amini she calls her a
servant and regrets it immediately. Somewhere inside her she knows she’s not
being fair.
Could you explain
the paradox of the strong women in your story who allow their lives to be
determined by others?
Three of the four Aleys, though strong, intelligent, feisty
women, let the men determine their lives. They know their strengths but fear to
exercise their rights. Do they accept it as their fate? Do they allow
themselves to be in the thrall of their menfolk because they see no other route
as they wish to belong to the family, to society? They are aware of their dependence
but afraid to explore outside the rigid rules, afraid they will flounder. So
they chafe against the societal diktats, which even the church supports, but it
takes three generations before the fourth breaks free. For the fourth Aley
having seen the corrosive quality of obsessive love, wants no part of this
legacy. Though she is eventually in a committed relationship it is one enjoyed
out of the norms laid down by society.
There is a strong
thread of magical realism in your book. Was that a conscious choice or did it
flow naturally?
I attempted to use a
kind of magic realism in Four Aleys. Death and loss are common occurrences in
human lives. But how can one convey Elizabeth’s deep anguish on hearing of her
mother’s death; Little Aley unable to bear the thought of the death of her
beloved Raman; the deep desire to unearth the possibility of the existence of a
little brother; Amini raped repeatedly by the scion of Big House. So talking
boats, cries that hurtle through forests, baby in a jar of brine … ‘Magical
elements blended into realistic situations to understand reality more deeply.’
Kerala, or Devanidhi as it is
christened in your book, in the early part of the last century makes for a
wonderful canvas. Do you believe that a writer must know his subject intimately?
I wanted to create a
Macondo like town as Marquez did. And, yes, knowing and loving a place deeply
helps you create a look alike and you can christen it with another name. The
background provides the canvas on which the lives of four women are painted and
so you need to understand its texture so that the painting is authentic.
While the Syrian Christian community
will identify with the book how do you expect other communities around the
world to do so?
The tiny Syrian
Christian community will identify with it for sure. Other readers will be
familiar with how small communities and religious groups all over the world
hold their people in thrall, how they both bind and support their members.
Readers may be compelled to read up on the Orthodox churches and their history.
How long did it take you to write
Four Aleys?
I took over 8 years
to complete the novel and send it to Vitasta Publications. I wrote sporadically
over that time. I like to write in the morning and so for some months I would
do so. Then would come periods of doubt and discontent and frustration and the
story did not move forward. I had the idea of the four Aleys right at the
start. I knew them intimately and their stories. This part evolved. The other
characters and situations had to be developed gradually.
Finally, have you begun work on your
next novel? Can you share with us a little about it?
I’ve an idea for a
second novel: Pheely and the Puffer Fish. It’s about a truly ‘good man’ a
dreamer who is absolutely dysfunctional. It’s about him his practical wife who has
no patience with foolish dreams, his mother, a totally self-centered woman and
his sister who is a nun. I don’t know where it’s going to go. The overarching
theme is, who is a good person and that they don’t get recognised as such in
our world. It’s set in a small modern town perhaps around the 1990’s.
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